Well-Fit | Center for Youth Wellness and Fitness
Youth Wellness and Fitness
Led by Dr. Trent Herda, Well-Fit is based on the principle that youth should be provided knowledge and skills to improve physical wellness and fitness. Well-Fit provides online educational content and in-person programming to teach youth wellness, exercise, and sport-related skills. Furthermore, Well-Fit actively engages in conducting and dissemination of research.
Well-Fit Resources

Online Education
The Sci-FIIT Academy provides engaging and personalized lessons to better understand the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) embedded in wellness. The platform encourages usage of newly learned healthy choices through an interactive environment.

In-Person Programming
The Sports Skills and Physical Activity Camp and Jayhawk Performance programing provides youth opportunities to learn how to play sports and exercises to improve wellness and fitness.

Well-Fit supports research to better understand the effects of physical activity and exercise on wellness and fitness in youth. Furthermore, dissemination of research is a chief priority of Well-Fit.