Sports Performance Testing

Sports performance testing can include body composition (lean and fat mass), muscular strength, power, and endurance, sprinting speed along with sport specific measurements. Advanced sport performance measurements can be conducted, such as, force plates to measure vertical jump performance, sprinting speed with timing gates, ball tracking technology to assess throwing and hitting velocity, motion capture systems to quantify skill proficiency, etc. Sports performance testing can occur at the club team’s facilities. Pricing will depend on the testing performed.
Blue Package Measurements ($100 Per Athlete)
This option is for youth who are looking to play at the highest competitive level. Detailed reports will be provided for the athletes. Measurements in the Crimson Package can be included for no additional charge.
1080 Sprint to measure sprinting characteristics including acceleration and velocity.
Qualisys Motion Capture for biomechanical analyses of movements, such as, pitching mechanics.
Hawkins Dynamics Force Plates to measure jump characteristics and ground reaction forces of both legs independently.

BIA for body composition that includes estimates of lean mass and fat mass for the whole body and limbs.
Crimson Package Measurements ($25 per athlete)
This option is for youth who are new to sports performance testing and training. The Crimson package will provide baseline data on the physical performance levels of the athletes.
Sit and reach measurements provide valid information regarding overall flexibility.

Hand grip and mid-thigh pull strength measures overall lower and upper body muscular strength.

Vertical jump height and broad jump length are great measures of lower body muscular power.

Timing gates can be used to measure agility and sprinting times.
The Sideline Scout provides instance feedback from sport specific movements frame-by-gram.